Number 4

Receive this important message from The Number Four, {FIRSTNAME}!

It is time for you to take a chance on yourself — there is so much stability in your very near future. 

You probably already know that you are the most grounded person in your family and circle of friends. It’s never been a surprise that you always come through when your loved ones need it — but lately you might be feeling like no one is there for you…

Please, don’t let yourself spiral into a negative, isolated place, {FIRSTNAME}. The future that I’m seeing is more fulfilling than you could have ever imagined if you keep your heart open. 

Be honest with yourself — it’s not in your nature to turn cold or stop showing empathy and compassion to those around you. 

The Universe wants you to see that the more that you give, the more that you will receive. 

In fact, you may even unlock your own ability to innately steer yourself in the most beneficial directions. To make choices that will lead you to connections that are fully reciprocal rather than draining. 

The Number Four is connected to the rebellious planet of Uranus and brings it’s strong energy to you to embody. Uranus is the planet of individuality and brings hope for the future itself. 

Even though it may not be the most “popular” thing on the planet right now to be so selfless, that is just who you truly are. Don’t shy away from that — the world needs you. 

So, take a chance on yourself, {FIRSTNAME}. Step into the responsible, humanitarian role so that you can align with soul family and friends that will give you back just as much good energy as you put out. 

The more that you follow your own supernatural path, the clearer your bright future will become!